StreamRecorder: resting-state recording

A resting-state recording is a simple offline recording during which the brain activity of a subject is measured in the absence of any stimulus or task. A resting-state recording can be designed with a StreamRecorder.

# Authors: Mathieu Scheltienne <>
# License: LGPL-2.1


Both StreamPlayer and StreamRecorder create a new process to stream or record data. On Windows, mutliprocessing suffers a couple of restrictions. The entry-point of a multiprocessing program should be protected with if __name__ == '__main__': to ensure it can safely import and run the module. More information on the documentation for multiprocessing on Windows.

This example will use a sample EEG resting-state dataset that can be retrieve with bsl.datasets. The dataset is stored in the user home directory in the folder bsl_data (e.g. C:\Users\User\bsl_data).

import os
import time
from pathlib import Path

import mne

from bsl import StreamPlayer, StreamRecorder, datasets
from bsl.triggers import MockTrigger

To simulate an actual signal coming from an LSL stream, a StreamPlayer is used with a 40 seconds resting-state recording.

<Player: StreamPlayer | ON | /home/runner/bsl_data/eeg_sample/resting_state-raw.fif>

For this example, the folder bsl_data/examples located in the user home directory will be used to stored recorded files. To ensure its existence, os.makedirs is used.

record_dir = Path("~/bsl_data/examples").expanduser()
os.makedirs(record_dir, exist_ok=True)

For this simple offline recording, the goal is to start a StreamRecorder, send an event on a trigger to mark the beginning of the resting-state recording, wait for a defined duration, and stop the recording.

By default, a StreamRecorder does not require any argument. The current working directory is used to record data from all available streams in files named based on the date/time timestamp at which the recorder is started.

To record only a subset of the available streams with a specific file name and in a specific directory, the arguments record_dir, fname and stream_name must be provided.

For this example, the directory used to store recordings is bsl_data/examples and the file name will start with example-resting-state.


By default, the start method is blocking and will wait for the recording to start. This behavior can be changed with the blocking argument.

recorder = StreamRecorder(record_dir, fname="example-resting-state")
<Recorder: All streams | ON | /home/runner/bsl_data/examples>

Now that a StreamRecorder is started and is acquiring data, a trigger to mark the beginning of the segment of interest is created. For this example, a MockTrigger is used, but this example would be equally valid with a different type of trigger.

trigger = MockTrigger()

To mark the beginning of the segment of interest in the recording, a signal is sent on the trigger. For this example, the event value (1) is used.


Finally, after the appropriate duration, the recording is interrupted.

time.sleep(2)  # 2 seconds duration
del trigger
<Recorder: All streams | OFF | /home/runner/bsl_data/examples>

A StreamRecorder records data in .pcl format. This file can be open with pickle.load, and is automatically converted to a Raw FIF file in a subdirectory fif. The recorded files name syntax is:

  • If fname is not provided: [date/time timestamp]-[stream]-raw.fif

  • If fname is provided: [fname]-[stream]-raw.fif

Where stream is the name of the recorded LSL stream. Thus, one file is created for each stream being recorded.

fname = record_dir / "fif" / "example-resting-state-StreamPlayer-raw.fif"
raw =, preload=True)
events = mne.find_events(raw, stim_channel="TRIGGER")
<Raw | example-resting-state-StreamPlayer-raw.fif, 65 x 1424 (2.8 s), ~781 kB, data loaded>

As for the StreamPlayer, the StreamRecorder can be used as a context manager. The context manager takes care of starting and stopping the recording.

with StreamRecorder(record_dir):

As for the StreamPlayer, the StreamRecorder can be started via command-line when a LSL stream is accessible on the network.

Example assuming:

  • the current working directory is bsl_data in the user home directory

  • the stream to connect to is named MyStream

  • the recorded file naming scheme is test-[stream]-raw.fif, i.e. test-MyStream-raw.fif

$ bsl_stream_recorder -d examples -f test -s MyStream
Stop the mock LSL stream used in this example.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 8.327 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 204 MB

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